Friday Program and Registration Details (Friday/አርብ ትምህርት)

Regular and Waiting List Registrations are Both Closed. Priority will be given to Re'ese Adbarat Tserha Aryam Kidist Selassie Cathedral Members. Parents will be notified by January 13, 2023.
የአርብ ተከታታይ የሃይማኖት ትምህርት ምዝገባ ቅጽ Friday Faith Education Program Registration (For 1-12 Grade Students)
Thank you for your interest and your support for your child! Please register 1 child per form. The program is held in 6 class rooms with a maximum of 25 students per class. Grades 1 and 2 will be together, 3-4 together etc. Students will get spot on first come first served bases.
በክፍል እስከ 25 ልጆች ብቻ ማስተናገድ ስለምንችል፤ ቀድሞ የተመዘገበ ተማሪ የትምህርት ዕድሉን ያገኛል፡፡ The program team will notify you if your child has secured a spot or if your child is in a waiting list.

The program will constitute of 3 components:
1. Curriculum-based faith education in English የሃይማኖት ትምህርት በእንግሊዘኛ
2. Divine Liturgy (ቅዳሴ ተሰጥኦ አቀባበል)
3. Activities/discussion (ውይይት/ጥያቄና መልስ)

This semester, the program will start on January 20, 2023 and end on June 2, 2023.
What is expected from parents?
+ Parents are expected to:
 * Bring students to the classroom between 5:55pm to 6pm and pick up students from class at 7:30pm
 * Stay in the church and attend Gubae 6pm-7:30pm ወላጆች ልጆችን አድርሰው የአርብ ጉባኤ እንዲሳተፉ ይጠበቃል። ልጆችን አድርሶ መውጣት አይፈቀድም። ልጆችን በትምህርቱ ውጤታማ ለማድረግ ወላጆች ጉባኤ በመሳተፍና በልጆች ጉዳይ በማንኛውም የትምህርት ሰዓት ቢፈለጉ መገኘት ስለሚገባቸው በአርቡ የጸሎት እና የትምህርት ጉባኤ ለመሳተፍ ዝግጁ ሆነው እንዲመጡ ቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ታሳስባለች።
 * Partner with the teachers as needed and respond to any request from the teacher during class time or outside of class time

Friday Program and Registration Details (Friday/አርብ ትምህርት) [Limited Registration]]

This registration is only for students who are in Grades: 1, 2, 7 to 12. ይህ ምዝገባ አሁን 1ኛ ክፍል ውስጥ ላሉ ተማሪዎች ብቻ ነው፡፡ Only 17 spots are available. Priority will be given to active members of the church. ቅድሚያ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ active አባላት Thank you for your interest and your support for your child! Please register 1 child per form. The program is held in 6 class rooms with a maximum of 25 students per class. Grades 1 and 2 will be together, 3-4 together etc. Students will get spot on first come first served bases. Priorities will be given to active members of the church.
በክፍል እስከ 25 ልጆች ብቻ ማስተናገድ ስለምንችል፤ ቀድሞ የተመዘገበ ተማሪ የትምህርት ዕድሉን ያገኛል፡፡ The program team will notify you if your child has secured a spot. If the spots fill up and you were not able to secure a spot for your child, you will have to register your child again when openings are announced in the future.
Available spots:
 Grade 1 and Grade 2: 10 open spots
 Grade 7 and Grade 8: 3 open spots
 Grades 9-12: 5 open spots

The program will constitute of 3 components:
1. Curriculum-based faith education in English የሃይማኖት ትምህርት በእንግሊዘኛ
2. Divine Liturgy (ቅዳሴ ተሰጥኦ አቀባበል)
3. Activities/discussion (ውይይት/ጥያቄና መልስ)

This school year, the program will start on October 6, 2023 and end on May 31, 2024. Next school year will start in September 2024. What is expected from parents:
Parents are expected to:
 Bring students to the classroom between 5:55pm to 6pm and pick up students from class at 7:30pm
 Stay in the church and attend Gubae 6pm-7:30pm ወላጆች ልጆችን አድርሰው የአርብ ጉባኤ እንዲሳተፉ ይጠበቃል። ልጆችን አድርሶ መውጣት አይፈቀድም። ልጆችን በትምህርቱ ውጤታማ ለማድረግ ወላጆች ጉባኤ በመሳተፍና በልጆች ጉዳይ በማንኛውም የትምህርት ሰዓት ቢፈለጉ መገኘት ስለሚገባቸው በአርቡ የጸሎት እና የትምህርት ጉባኤ ለመሳተፍ ዝግጁ ሆነው እንዲመጡ ቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ታሳስባለች።
 Partner with the teachers as needed and respond to any request from the teacher during class time or outside of class time
 Be committed to work with your child(ren) at home and encourage and congratulate them on their accomplishments

Parents need to clarify to their children and help enforce the following:
 * Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission
 * Students are not allowed to leave the building at anytime without the parents permission
 * Electronics usage is not allowed in the classroom except during breaks ከሚፈቀድላቸው ከእረፍት ሰዓት ውጪ ልጆች ማንኛውንም ኤሌክትሮኒክስ መጠቀም እንደማይችሉ ወላጆች ለልጆች እንዲያስገነዝቡ እንጠይቃለን።
 * Classroom conduct: bullying, disruptive behaviors (e.g. breaking classroom expectations, damaging materials, disrespecting others, etc.), and any other conduct that is impacting the learning of other kids, are not tolerated; such conduct may result in temporary or permanent removal from the program. ልጆች ሁሉንም ማክበር እንደሚገባቸውና ሌላ ተማሪን ማንቋሸሽ ወይንም ከትምህርት ማሰናከል እንደማይችሉ ወላጆች ማስገንዘብ ይኖርባቸዋል። ጥሩ ያልሆነ ሥነ ምግባር ከፕሮግራሙ እስከ ማሰረዝ ሊያደርሱ ይችላል።

If the student cannot attend class, parents should notify the teacher at the earliest time possible. If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences or a combined 5 absences (excused and unexcused), the student may be removed from the program.

Given we only have 1.5hr for the program, parents should ensure students have eaten snack before coming to class. ለትምህርቱ ያለን ጊዜ ውሱን ስለሆነ ወላጆች ልጆች መክሰስ በልተው እንዲመጡ እንድታደርጉ በትህትና እንጠይቃለን።

Tserha Aryam Live

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